Meet the team

Meet the team of coaches, race directors and physios who are bringing you Why We Run



My ultra running journey came about by accident (similar to Why We Run actually..) in lockdown as I battled to find out who I was without professional sport. I had an opportunity to take part in a multistage ultra marathon in September 2020 with Ultra X. 
Long story short, I learned more about myself in those two days than I had done in 10 years as a professional athlete. 
And so, my mission over these last few years has been to not only explore my own potential as an athlete and human being but to help others use endurance sport as a tool to help them do the same. 
I believe in empowering others with knowledge, to encourage them to ask themselves why, and to create life lasting memories with incredible people in the process. 
I’m very grateful that I’m able to do what I do with such an epic team of people around me. This didn’t come easy, and that’s partly the point..  nothing worth having ever is. But I can promise you one this…
It’s worth it. 


Race Director

I entered the world of running in 2017 to help with both my physical and mental health. I quickly learned the value of community in helping both myself and others achieve goals. 
Having worked myself up to marathon distance quite quickly, I settled into the world of marathons before discovering ultra running. 
Ultra running has given me so many opportunities to run in many incredible places all over the world, but more importantly, to connect with likeminded people and make lasting friendships.
Quickly learned that I could find so much joy not only in running in an event, but also crewing and supporting runners in achieving their goals.
My talents for people and project management lead me to helping to assist in event logistics and planning, as well as taking responsibility for parts of key races in many locations.
Being able to take all these experiences, and help create a unique event such as WhyWeRun is a huge passion project for me, and my goal is always to ensure that everyone who is a part of our events, feels supported and gets the best possible experience from it they can.



I started running consistently during COVID, it helped me in more ways than I could have imagined. Since then I have participated in marathons, ultramarathons and multistage events. One of which was running Why We Run in October 2023. 
I’ve completely fallen in love with the trails and alongside my full time role as an environment and sustainability consultant I have become an enormous advocate for using running and movement as a tool to support a healthier and happier life.
I am extremely aware of the balancing act of working in an office, managing training, and both preparing for and recovering from races all at the same time. As someone that was prone to skipping cross country 15 years ago to a qualified UESCA Ultrarunning Coach, this is where I hope to impart the lessons I have learned in finding joy in life (and running) in a sustainable, ambitious and holistic way.



My running journey began in 2017, with my first half marathon, which was all it took to get me hooked! The feeling of accomplishment I felt afterwards was amazing! Those feelings and emotions have since evolved into a passion and love for running. 
I have since run everything from 5km up to 70km. With multiple Ultra marathons and a dozen marathons under my belt, I bring practical experience to the coaching table. My CrossFit Level 1 certification ensures a holistic approach to fitness and performance and an understanding of how to balance a hybrid lifestyle. 
Fuelled by a love for the outdoors and a fascination with the psychology of running, connection, community and purpose, I ran almost 4500km for men's mental health in 2022.  
Being an UESCA qualified Ultra Marathon Coach gives me a great foundation and knowledge of how to develop and progress runners of all abilities across a variety of distances, in a fun, manageable and sustainable way. 
I believe in developing and educating not just physical capabilities but also knowledge and self-belief. Coaching is a collaborative journey where we unlock your true potential, both in running and life.
I know first-hand the stresses of balancing training, a social life and a professional career and the difficulties it presents, having been an accountant working in the City for over 3 years. I understand the need for fulfilment, purpose, meaning and growth both personally and professionally and I want to help you develop in any way I can.
I believe that finding harmony amongst the different areas of your life is key to being successful in your goals and I’m here to work towards them with you. 


Coach and Physio

As a high level swimmer, netball player with a degree in psychology, MSc in Clinical Neuroscience and a sports physiotherapist, I am passionate about sharing this education and helping athletes realise their potential. 
Over the last couple of years, I have completely fallen in love with trail running. This love not only stems from challenging yourself in some pretty remarkable settings, but also from the sense of community that comes with it.
There’s no doubt that endurance running puts a huge amount of strain on your body both mentally and physically, so upskilling again and completing my UESCA ultramarathon coaching certification alongside my physiotherapy has only helped me become a better coach. I am also based out of a clinic in Oxford and practice physiotherapy virtually via Run Free Rehab.



Running has become a key part of my life over the last few years, and I’m so grateful for it. In 2022, I started taking it much more seriously. My experience includes two sub three hour marathons, ultramarathons ranging from 50-100km, multistage ultramarathons and now a double Ironman triathlon. 
But why have I become an Ultra Running Coach? Because running opens your life to what’s possible beyond your wildest dreams. It brings together a community of like-minded individuals, friends that last a lifetime.
Success to me is seeing others succeed. Helping someone overcome a challenge, or themselves even, provides meaning for me. It’s all about the journey, dreaming big and being honest with yourself. I pride myself in finding a way to train that doesn’t feel like training at all - you need to enjoy it!