Introduction & Bio
Growing up, I was never 'the sporty one', but always had a love for being outside in nature, out on the trails near where I was lucky enough to grow up and always curious with a sense of adventure.
As I grew older, I found a love for training in the gym, and the sense of confidence that I took from beginning to test my ability, and testing the stereotype I'd always given myself.
This carried on for years, through so many different styles of training, until I finally felt brave enough to lace up an old, battered pair of trainers and head out on an empty road during the pandemic.
For weeks, I ran/walked up a hill and added one more lap of the field to my run, until I hit that elusive 5k.
Since Spring 2020, those laps have continued on to see me complete 2 road marathons, podium trail half marathons, multiple 50k ultramarathons, place 5th female in my first 110k multistage, complete a 250k multistage, and most recently achieve 3rd female in my first 100km.
My coaching style recognises what it takes to work up from being a beginner, and, crucially, what it takes to do this alongside balancing a full time, corporate job.
I have myself balanced that fine line, and have learnt so much about myself along the way and what I love about coaching is being a part of that journey for my clients and seeing the growth they experience, both as a runner and all the parts of life that surround it.